The Importance of Sustainable Fishing in Combating Global Warming


August 22, 2022

Sustainable Fishing Untuk Menangkis Global Warming

The melting of ice in Antarctica has now reached a concerning stage. Even the largest iceberg known as A68A has melted about 1 trillion tons or 900 million metric tons. This amount of water could fill an Olympic-sized swimming pool over 60 million times. So, what can we do to address this global warming challenge? From the perspective of fisheries, we must increasingly focus on preventing environmental damage by prioritizing the implementation of sustainable fishing methods.

Why is Sustainable Fishing Important?

The current state of nature is deeply worrisome. Fortunately, more and more people are becoming concerned about environmental sustainability. Even in developed countries, sustainable certification is becoming a requirement for various consumer products. Looking back a bit, the term “sustainable” implies continuity and persistence. In this context, sustainability refers to the preservation of the environment.

In the past, many production and consumption methods contributed to environmental degradation. Thus, the adoption of sustainable methods in various production and consumption processes is deemed crucial because it already considers environmental preservation. Moreover, the more individuals and parties are involved in environmental conservation, the faster the recovery of the natural world can occur. Consequently, implementing procedures that prioritize environmental sustainability from the production process onward is highly imperative.

Coastal Communities as Frontline Guardians

The majority of economic activities in the fisheries sector are supported by communities residing in coastal areas, as most of them earn a living as fishermen. This is why coastal communities must be thoroughly educated about the application of sustainable fisheries. Aruna, a fisheries-focused startup deeply committed to environmental issues, designates these coastal communities as frontline guardians. Notably, non-coastal communities also contribute significantly as fish cultivators and processors.

By then, both countries have formed the Canada-Indonesia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA), where they not only aim to establish mutually beneficial trade relationships for the long run but also promote environmental sustainability and improve management systems for greater impacts.  

Consumer Role in Sustainability

Is the effort to preserve the environment only sufficient during the production phase? Of course not. As mentioned earlier, consumers also play an equally important role in environmental preservation. If various aspects of life increasingly prioritize sustainability, the positive impacts will undoubtedly multiply.

Consumers’ growing awareness of environmental issues has given rise to the concept of a sustainable lifestyle. This lifestyle emphasizes the conservation of the environment by ensuring that the products they use and consume are processed with environmental considerations in mind. This encompasses everything from building materials, utensils, and clothing, to food. It’s even possible that in the future, there will be seafood suppliers exclusively offering sustainable products.

With more public figures endorsing the sustainable lifestyle, more members of the general public are being exposed to the concept of sustainability. This on-ground reality leads the Aruna team to earnestly hope that more individuals will get involved in preserving the environment. With increased participation, the resulting impacts can be more easily felt by the society at large.

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