Aruna Initiative: Savings Program for Fishermen and Coastal Communities


January 30, 2024

Aruna Inisiasi Program Menabung bagi Nelayan dan Masyarakat Pesisir

As a fisheries company focused on empowering local fishermen, Aruna has various educational programs for coastal communities. The education programs aim to enhance the awareness and knowledge of coastal communities, especially regarding fishing technology and marine ecosystem sustainability.

Additionally, Aruna has initiated a special savings program for fishermen and coastal communities involved in the Aruna business ecosystem. With this program, Aruna hopes to assist coastal communities in financial management.

What is the savings program initiated by Aruna and what are its impacts on coastal communities?

Why Is This Savings Program Very Important?

The savings program for fishermen and coastal communities is conducted to establish an emergency fund. This emergency fund can be used to meet urgent needs, such as repairing boat engines or fishing gear, unexpected household expenses, and medical costs in case of illness or accidents while working.

Yanuardi Septian, from the Kalimantan Timur Community Development, explains, “Coincidentally, the people here have already seen a number of incidents that forced them to have an emergency fund.”

Previously, in undesirable situations, coastal communities often struggled to seek assistance. With the existence of savings, coastal communities have a reserve fund that can be used to meet needs if necessary.

How Does Aruna’s Savings Program Work?

This savings program is conducted collectively and takes place every two weeks. Members gather and deposit cash to the treasurer. Then, the treasurer collects and stores all the cash in Aruna’s cooperative bank account.

As done by the coastal community in Tanjung Batu, Berau, Kalimantan Timur, with Mr. Moko, Aruna Fisher 001, serving as the treasurer. After the funds are collected, Mr. Moko will validate the finances through a WhatsApp group consisting of fishermen and picker mothers.

The coastal community in Tanjung Batu has been saving regularly since August 2021. Through Aruna’s savings program, coastal communities can save easily and securely. One fisherman in Tanjung Batu, Mr. Jusman, said, “If there is an urgent need someday, this money can be withdrawn anytime.”

What Are the Benefits of Aruna’s Savings Program?

Aruna’s savings program provides various benefits to fishermen and coastal communities. In addition to helping with financial management, this program also offers the opportunity for communities to save for more specific purposes, such as retirement or children’s education funds. Thus, coastal communities can plan for the future more responsibly.

Aruna hopes that this savings program can have a positive long-term impact on fishermen and coastal communities. Active participation, transparency, and proper fund management are needed to ensure the sustainability of this savings program.

This program is one effort to improve the financial literacy of coastal communities. It not only provides a means to save but also imparts insights and skills in managing finances wisely and responsibly. Aruna will continue to provide support to ensure the successful implementation of this program.

Aruna is proud of the coastal communities involved in the Aruna community. Saving is a good habit that should be maintained. Aruna will continue to focus on the welfare of coastal communities through various empowerment programs. In doing so, the fisheries and marine sector will continue to be sustainable and beneficial to the people of Indonesia.

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