Aruna as SDG Certified Leader, Advocating the Concept of Aruna Fish Nutrition Zero Waste


April 20, 2024

SDG Certified Leader 2024

Aruna’s efforts to realize the SEA for All Commitment 2030 included participation in the SDG leadership certification program organized by SDG Academy Indonesia and Tanoto Foundation, supported by UNDP Indonesia, Bappenas, Nippon Closure Co Japan, and ICMG Japan Aruna. Represented by Aruna’s Sustainability Supervisor, she participated in the fifth batch of SDG training from October 2023 to March 2024 and finally received the SDG Certified Leader title.

This SDG training focused on leadership programs in the specific aspect of Circular Economy. This SDG leadership program also trained participants to understand sustainability issues based on UN SDGs guidelines. During the program, participants were trained in critical thinking, sustainable business models, and leadership skills.

training sdg certified leader 2024

Program participants were required to create a group capstone project with a focus on Management and Waste Processing Technology. Participants were divided into several groups, and Aruna, along with the University of Surabaya, the Central Statistics Agency, and the University of Andalas, developed a capstone project called AFISHNET (Aruna Fish Nutrition Zero Waste). This project focused on processing waste from crab shells and also on technologies that could support environmentally friendly and odor-resistant packaging. In this program, the AFISHNET capstone project won the Best Capstone Project category.

Utari Octavianty, the Co-Founder & Chief Sustainability Officer of Aruna, stated that this activity was part of Aruna’s learning program to develop Nakama Aruna’s (how Aruna employees are called) skills and knowledge, particularly in the aspect of sustainability. She said, “It is expected that it can inspire other employees to go far beyond. There are still many other topics that all of our employees can participate in, and we will fully support them.”

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