Squids: Popular with Black Ink and Good at Hunting


October 9, 2024

fakta unik cumi cumi

Talking about squid, people already know that these animals have black ink as a self-defense means. They secrete dark black ink when they feel threatened by predators. The black ink could confuse the predators and allow the squid to escape safely, as expected from a unique characteristic of cephalopod animals.
Aside from their famous black ink defense mechanism and being a slow and silent marine animal, do you know that squid are skilled in hunting?
Squids are active predators in the sea. It could use various methods to catch their prey. Let’s dive into the impressive qualities of squid that support their hunting abilities!

Good at camouflage

Squids have remarkable camouflage abilities, in which they can quickly change their skin color to blend in with their surroundings (thanks to chromatophore cells that can change their skin pigment in a few seconds). Some types can even make their bodies appear transparent.
This ability then allows squids to sneak up on the prey in silence. When the prey is off guard, the squid will attack quickly. Please note that the squid needs to be surrounded by colorful objects, such as around coral reefs or on the seabed.

Fast Swimmer

Squids are also known for their exceptional swimming abilities, as they are the fastest marine invertebrates in the world. The Humboldt squid can reach up to 40 km/hour! Thanks to their streamlined body shape, efficient fins, and the use of jet siphons for extra thrust. The jet siphon, located at the back of the squid’s body, is utilized when they need to move quickly, allowing them to chase the prey effectively.

Deadly-Agile Tentacles

Squids have ten strong and sharp tentacles. Aside from moving tools, these tentacles also serve as formidable weapons for capturing prey. They also could entangle, pull, and even cut their prey.
Squids then use their beaks to tear the food into smaller, more manageable pieces. The combination of agile tentacles and a robust beak made squids capable of catching various prey, ranging from small fish and shrimp to larger marine animals.

Magic Contact Lenses

The squid’s eyes contain a hard layer similar to a contact lens and act like a telescope or camera lens, helping the squid to capture precisely. Besides, these special lenses enable the squid to see more clearly in low-light conditions, such as at night or in the deep sea.
Do you now understand the remarkable hunting abilities of squids? With the ability to camouflage, move quickly, and a supportive physical form, squids deserve to be called one of the reliable marine predators. They play a significant role in the sea ecosystem as they contribute to preserving natural balance. Studying the uniqueness of squids opens new knowledge for us to understand the underwater world.

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