The title above may make you wonder if it is true that fisheries supply can truly be the determining factor to human resource quality? The fact is that experts from FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) states that the consumption of animal protein is essential since it contains a lot of nutrition that encourages growth and intelligence. However, according to FAO’s data, the rate of animal protein consumption among Indonesians stands only at 8%, far behind Malaysia’s 30% and Thailand’s 24%.
Fisheries Supply Can Create Better Human Resources
Social resilience, economic & political stability, national security, and a nation’s independence can never be realized if the quality of human resources remains poor. Meanwhile, the effort to restore the quality of human resources relies on the national level of nutritional fulfillment and food security. So, it’s not exactly wrong if we say that food fulfillment is practically a form of investment to realize the vision of creating an independent, developed, fair, and prosperous Indonesian Republic.
Furthermore FAO mentions that proteins that come from animals contain essential amino acids, vitamins, as well as minerals that are more whole when compared to plant-based proteins. Moreover, animal proteins help build our immune systems. Now we know why the government advises us to consume animal protein every day.
The spirit of the National Fish Day of 2022 with the theme of “Fish for the healthier and smarter generation” shows how the government tries to increase the consumption of animal protein, especially fish, in order to create a healthier generation. The government continues to encourage people to achieve a 59,33 kg per capita quota of fish consumption. Meanwhile, data collected up until 2021 shows that the level of fish consumption in Indonesia only reaches 55,37 kg per capita.
While it is true that the level of fish consumption per capita in 2021 is a lot better when compared to 2021, which was only 33,89 kg, it is still low when compared to the national fish production in 2020, which reaches 542 thousand tons, which is more than enough to fulfill food security, as well as the economic value that reaches Rp 9,69 trillion. If this increase in production can be matched by the level of fish consumption per capita, the fisheries industry can deal with two birds with one stone, namely the national income and nutrition fulfillment.
It would be good if everyone can support the government’s efforts in increasing the amount of fish consumed per capita. As such, there would be a lot more high-quality human resources around thanks to nutrition fulfillment, especially coupled with the fact that our country is rich in maritime resources. Don’t let national fish production be famous for fulfilling the nutritional needs of other countries, but instead let it be famous for fulfilling our own.
Aruna Continues to Commit to Making an Impact on Society
There’s no doubt that the national level of fish consumption has become a priority to the fisheries company Aruna. Everyone is banking on the hope that the knowledge of a more sustainable fisheries industry increases not only the standards of living of a select few groups of people, but also the general public. Other than providing an easier access to a wider market to fishers, through strategic partnerships in various Aruna Hubs, there would be more opportunities of collaboration in the future that could increase our fisheries supply’s involvement in increasing the level of fish consumption among people.
We continue to spread our reach of our service to various regions where Aruna is available for both suppliers and manufacturers. Moreover, we also believe that by continuing to innovate and restore the nation’s fisheries supply chain and spread the ideas of sustainable fisheries, there will be more impacts that can be felt directly by everyone.
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