Mackerel: Local Fish with High Omega-3 (More than Salmon)
Have you heard that salmon is rich in omega-3?
Omega-3 is a type of essential fatty acid that the body cann...
Other News
3 Tren Gaya Hidup Sehat Ala Kaum Millenial
Tahun 2020 menjadi tahun dengan berbagai kejutan tak terduga di setiap harinya. Perubahan di tahun ini memiliki penga...
Nelayan Aruna Rayakan Kemerdekaan Melalui ...
Tepat di bulan Agustus, masyarakat Indonesia merayakan hari kemerdekaan yang diperingati setiap tanggal 17 Agustus. P...
Co-Founder Aruna, Utari Pembicara Di Global C...
Utari, Co-Founder Aruna berkesempatan menjadi speakers di ajang perhelatan 2019 Global Conference Woman & Entrepr...
Penghargaan The Best Social Impact Startup 20...
Aruna meraih penghargaan The Best Social Impact Startup 2019 dalam Startup Pilihan Tempo 2019 yang diadakan oleh Maja...
Perjalanan Aruna: Eksplorasi Perikanan Di Mal...
Maluku Utara, salah satu Provinsi di Indonesia menjadi daftar kunjungan favorit para wisatawan baik local hingga manc...
Startup Platform Perikanan Aruna Raih Seed Fu...
Aruna, Jakarta – UMG Indonesia merupakan perusahaan cabang dari UMG Group of Companies yang berpusat di Yangon,...
Press Release
The Kenyan Ministry Discussed Potential Coope...
H.E. Hassan A. Joho, the Cabinet Secretary for Mining, Blue Economy, and Maritime Affairs of the Republic of Kenya; B...
Read moreAruna Discusses Digital Fisheries Ecosystem a...
Taipei, Taiwan – On October 17, Aruna had the opportunity to attend the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC...
Read moreStriving for an Inclusive Economy, Aruna Wins...
PT Aruna Jaya Nuswantara (Aruna) has been recognized for its contribution to building a sustainable economy. This tim...
Read moreAruna works hand-in-hand with Coastal Communi...
South Konawe, Indonesia. To many, independence can mean different things. As most of us know, the spirit of the Indon...
Read moreThe Climate Crisis and the Balance of Marine ...
The climate crisis represents the greatest threat to our planet, with rising global temperatures and extreme weather ...
Read moreNational Education Day 2024, Aruna’s an...
DKI Jakarta, Indonesia – “Bergerak Bersama, Lanjutkan Merdeka Belajar” (“Moving Forward, Continuing...
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