Aruna works hand-in-hand with Coastal Community Members to Celebrate the 79th Indonesian Independence Day


September 10, 2024

Aruna Bekerjasama Dengan Nelayan dan Komunitas Pesisir Dalam Perayaan Hari Kemerdekaan Indonesia ke79

South Konawe, Indonesia. To many, independence can mean different things. As most of us know, the spirit of the Indonesian independence day lies in our appreciation towards the heroes of the past who fought tooth and nail to gain independence for our country. However, to Aruna and the coastal communities of Indonesia, the celebration also means keeping up the spirit to improve the welfare and livelihoods of everyone involved.

As such, on August 24-25th, 2024, Aruna hosted a two-day event titled “Aruna Merdeka: Rayakan Semangat Kebersamaan” to commemorate Indonesia’s 79th anniversary of its Independence Day. This event, organized in close collaboration with the local fishers’ community, brought coastal communities across key Aruna locations together to celebrate the spirit of unity and solidarity.

The theme of “Rayakan Semangat Kebersamaan” (Celebrating the Spirit of Togetherness) highlights the strong sense of community that defines Aruna’s network of fishers, pickers, suppliers, and their families. As part of the festivities, this event featured well-known activities such as sack races, boat races, and a culinary competition focused on creating dishes from blue swimming crab (rajungan).

Attending the event were several key figures from both the local community and government, which includes representatives from the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, as well as officials from BPJS Ketenagakerjaan. As part of Aruna’s commitment to improving the welfare of the Indonesian Coastal Communities, this event also served as a platform to enhance the work safety of the fishers and their families through the education of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan.

“Nothing says “Indonesian Independence Day celebration like bringing together our community of fishers, suppliers, and other coastal community members,” said Ridwan, one of Aruna’s Regional Managers. “Besides celebrating our national history, this event also fosters a strong sense of unity and collaboration among our coastal communities. Moreover, by bringing relevant partners such as BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, we can implement truly impactful initiatives for these people’s welfare and livelihoods.”

Besides traditional Independence Day competitions, Aruna also invites coastal community members to take part in a Fun Walk, as well as local favorites such as open stage singalongs and community luncheons. Through events like these, Aruna continues to build strong connections with the coastal communities, as well as its fishers, taking yet another decisive step towards creating a stronger, more thriving fisheries ecosystem for Indonesia.

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