The Indonesian government, through the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP), has announced the implementation of the blue economy, where the government is committed to restoring the balance of marine habitats and accelerating the marine economy. KKP has even set 5 priority programs that will continue to be implemented to support the blue economy. To successfully carry out these 5 priority programs, KKP sees sustainable fisheries partnership as the most appropriate solution to increase the participation of all stakeholders in supporting the government to achieve its goals.
1. KKP Establishes Sustainable Fisheries Partnership with the World Bank
Of the 5 programs that KKP has identified as priorities to support the implementation of the blue economy concept in Indonesia, they include expanding marine conservation areas, measuring fish catches based on quotas, managing marine, coastal, and inland cultivation, sustainable coastal and small island management, and managing plastic waste in the sea. To successfully carry out the first priority program of expanding marine conservation areas, KKP has even initiated the Insan Terang – Lautra program, a conservation area development program that is funded by the World Bank.
2. Insan Terang – Lautra strengthens conservation management while increasing the fisheries industry
KKP continues to improve infrastructure to support the conservation expansion program through the Insan Terang – Lautra Coral Reef Infrastructure – Prosperous Ocean program. By emphasising sustainable fisheries partnerships, this infrastructure development will be carried out by collaborating with the World Bank. The Insan Terang – Lautra program, which is planned to begin operating effectively in mid-2023, aims to improve the welfare of coastal communities by managing conservation areas that are considered to have marine and fisheries resources.
In other words, the Insan Terang – Lautra program is expected to not only expand and strengthen conservation area management but also provide a livelihood for coastal communities by implementing sustainable aspects in fisheries industry activities.
3. Insan Terang – Lautra Strengthens Conservation Management and Boosts Fisheries Industry
Through this, improving coral reef management and effective conservation management that supports ecological and economic progress can be achieved together. Sustainable fisheries partnerships can also create synergies between the government and stakeholders, especially fishery companies. From the perspective of monitoring and evaluating programs, the government and collaborating parties together with the community can monitor to ensure that KKP’s priority programs run smoothly.
This is similar to what Aruna implements in building synergy with coastal communities and fishermen. Together with Aruna Hub, each party including internal Aruna, Local Heroes, and fishermen transfer knowledge and monitor each other to ensure that sustainable fishing activities can run well and continue to provide benefits.
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