Shrimp and Tuna Regain Their Status as Indonesia’s Leading Fishing Export Commodities


January 18, 2024

ekspor udang dan tuna

Shrimp and tuna regained their status as Indonesia’s leading fishing export commodities in the first six months of 2023. According to a report by the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP), the total value of Indonesia’s fishing exports in that period reached around 2.8 billion US dollars, or equivalent to Rp 44 trillion.

The United States, Japan, and China were the main export markets for Indonesian fishing products during this period. The high value of fishing exports is the result of contributions from both the capture fishery and aquaculture sectors.

This time, let’s discuss the conditions of Indonesia’s fishing exports in the first half of 2023 and its potential in the future.

1. Shrimp and Tuna as Main Commodities

Shrimp is the category with the largest value in fishing exports, at 567 million US dollars, or equivalent to Rp 8.9 trillion. There are three types of shrimp that are the main ones, namely vannamei shrimp, windu shrimp, and merguensi shrimp. The main market for Indonesian shrimp is the United States.

In 2022, the United States also became the main export destination for Indonesian shrimp with a market share of 60%. This makes Indonesia the third largest shrimp exporter in the world.

Next, tuna-skipjack-mackerel (TCT) became the second largest export commodity, with an export value of 282 million US dollars, or equivalent to Rp 4.4 trillion. Japan is the main export market for this category, especially tuna, which is the product with the highest demand.

Tuna is very popular in the global market because it has a delicious and nutritious taste. As a source of animal protein, tuna is often used as a main ingredient in popular dishes, such as sushi and sashimi.

2. Diversification and Potential of Fishing Production

Squid-cuttlefish-octopus (CSG) is also one of the fishing export commodities with a high value, at 195 million US dollars, or equivalent to Rp 3 trillion. The main market for CSG is China. In addition to the three categories mentioned, fishing export commodities also include crab, lobster, pearl, seaweed, and other marine products, including processed products.

Director of Marketing of the Directorate General of Strengthening Competitiveness of Marine and Fisheries Products (PDSPKP), Erwin Dwiyana, said that the potential for Indonesian fisheries can reach 12 million tons per year. KKP is optimistic that Indonesia’s rich marine resources can support fishing product export activities.

3. The Future of Indonesia’s Fishing Exports

Indonesia’s fishing exports are expected to continue to grow in the future. This is supported by various government efforts to improve the competitiveness of Indonesian fishing products in the international market.

One of KKP’s efforts to increase fishing product exports is to hold Foreign Buyers Mission (FBM). In this activity, KKP invites potential importers from various countries to see Indonesian fishing products directly. This activity aims to help importers better understand the potential of Indonesian fishing products, thus increasing their export opportunities.

Shrimp and tuna are the most exported Indonesian fishing products. KKP is working to optimize fishing production to meet the 2023 export target of USD 7.66 billion, or equivalent to Rp 116.1 trillion.

Aruna is committed to supporting the increase in Indonesia’s fishing exports. We provide a digital platform that connects fishermen with buyers from various countries so that it helps fishermen reach a wider market. Since 2016 to date, Aruna has been in 31 provinces in Indonesia with more than 40,000 registered Aruna fishermen. In early 2023, Aruna has grown by 62% compared to the previous year.

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